Thursday, July 2, 2009

What will we look like in Heaven?


Will we know each other in Heaven?
   "I believe we will"

                  I will offer some Scriptures and comment’s that may help with the answer.  (Most are        
                  New Living Translation)  
No. 1:     First John 3:1-3   Let me first ask a question? How will we know Jesus?   Simple, we will see Him as He is (or as he was on earth).   Nail prints, hands and feet, spear mark in his side just as he was seen after the resurrection.    V-2 Says we will be like him or in a body like his Glorious body, but similar to the body we have now. Jesus did not loose His identity, and we will not either!

No. 2    Matt. 8:1-12      V-11 Says many shall come from the east and the west and sit down with who? Ghosts, strangers; no, but with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven! They still have their identity in Heaven and we will also!

No. 3   Matt. 17:1-6    Moses and Elijah could be seen and they talked with Jesus. Peter, James and John saw and heard the whole thing. Moses and Elijah both had been dead or in Heaven for many years, even hundreds of years, but they had not lost their identity.

No. 4   Matt. 19:27-29     The twelve will surely know each other and their identity will be clear as to who they are. They will also see Jesus and know him just as we will know him! They will also perform the task that Jesus said they will do. There may be things for all believers to do, not just sat under a shade tree for the next million years.

No. 5   John 11:38-43      Lazarus was dead for four days; where was he? He was in Heaven or Paradise! His earthly body was decaying but when Jesus called him out of the grave he was whole again and even though he was gone for four days he did not loose his identity.   Absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!

No. 6    Luke 16:19-31     Notice the account of the rich man and Lazarus [the begger] (not the same Lazarus as in no. 5). In verse 23 & 24   (amp);  the rich man could see, talk, could reason or think, remember, feel, and Lazarus had fingers because the rich man wanted Lazarus to dip his finger into water and cool his tongue. V-25 Lazarus is in comfort. V-27-28 The rich man must have remembered Lazarus and could see it was the same person that sat outside of his gate begging. Now the rich man begs for Lazarus to be sent to his brothers. If Lazarus was not the same person or was a ghost, or changed totally into some other creature, the rich man would not have asked for him to be sent to his brothers. His brothers might have known Lazarus also, and they would only respond to some one they could recognize. It would also just scare the brothers, but no mention that he is any different then he was in this life as far as his identity.

No. 7   (KJV) 1 Cor. 13:12       This verse is thought by some to also give some light on the subject. The last part “But then shall I know even as I am known.” Indicating we will know as we are known now!   

Note: There are many questions about the Glorious changes that await us when we pass from this life and enter the pearly gates. The most important thing for us is to make sure everything is settled here and now. The time is near even at hand!

Wishing you could go will not make it happen. A person must accept the work that Jesus did on the Cross for mankind's sins.  

Romans 10:9,10 (Liv Bib)   
For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.

 Read it, believe it, and you are started on your way.          Don't forget to go to Church and share with others your experience.               Love you, Dave                  E-mail

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